Regular Dental Hygiene Therapy


     Fall isn’t just for big comfy sweaters and pumpkin spice everything; it is also for dental hygiene appreciation month! So lets talk about why having regular dental hygiene therapy is so important to maintain optimal oral health.

  1. Prevention is cheaper in the long run. Having regular hygiene appointments not only keep the foundation of your mouth strong (The gum and bone) but also allows dental concerns that start off small to be detected earlier and often before the individual feels pain. With regular dental exams and radiographs (X-rays) common dental issues such as decay, gingivitis and periodontal disease can be easily treated with a more predictable result, therefore, leading to less painful and pricey dental treatment. We want our patients to have less dental treatment throughout their lifetime, rather then more!
  2. Regular hygiene care doesn’t just affect the health of your oral health, but your overall health as well. Studies have shown that individuals that maintain optimal oral health have less instances of heart disease, diabetes or poorly controlled blood glucose levels, and dementia. Among other ailments your oral health can be a contributing factor in poor health. So keeping those pearly whites happy and healthy can be a great way to prevent the development of other health issues.
  3. Regular dental hygiene can brighten your smile and build confidence. Regular hygiene appointments remove surface stains keeping your teeth shiny, white and brilliant. A beautiful, healthy smile builds confidence and allows the individual behind that smile feel confident in his or her own skin. Think of the actress Julia Roberts, who is well known for having a great smile! Her smile is not only brilliant but also warm and inviting, with a confident smile you too can have the same appeal as Julia!

In celebration of Dental Hygiene appreciation month don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us today. Maybe its been a few months or a few years, that’s okay.  Our dental hygiene team will be happy to assist you in achieving your personal dental health goals. I guarantee you will be welcomed with a friendly and attentive dental team to help bring you one step closer to your healthiest self.

Braeside Dental Centre



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